Friday, January 9, 2009

"STOP, or I'll shoot!" Recipe #1: Fresh Mozzarella & Tomato

Feeling cranky? Losing your mind? Long surpressed alternate personalities threatening to come out? Yeah. Me too. Here's what I made Thursday night when I just had nothing left:

Fresh sliced mozzarella with sliced tomatoes and olive oil. The Italians call this Insalata Caprese. When I was in France it was simply salade de tomate e mozzarella. I fondly call it "cheese and tomatoes". I'm not a huge fan of basil, so sometimes I use it, sometimes I don't. What I really love is the salty simplicity of this combination - and it's two minute preparation time.

Because I'm using fresh mozzarella, I'll address the outRAGeous price you'll pay for it at Fred Meyer or Safeway or Albertons. It can range from five to seven dollars for one small ball of cheese. Frankly, though I love it, principle prevents me from knowingly purchasing this cheese at that price. Luckily, I live near a Trader Joe's. They sell fresh mozzarella of all shapes and sizes for $2.99. Well worth it.

You'll need:

Fresh mozzarella - $2.99
Two fresh, ripe tomatoes - $2.49/lb
Olive oil to drizzle on top
Coarse Salt
Pepper (to taste)
Basil (maybe)

Slice cheese and tomatoes into 1/4 inch thick pieces. Arrange on a flat plate, alternating cheese and tomato. If you're using basil, place the leaves around the plate. Drizzle olive oil, sprinkle salt and pepper. Eat.

Total: $5.48
without basil. (basil can run anywhere from $1 to $3 per bunch depending on the store and season)

1 comment:

  1. I too love this dish, but leaving out the basil? Mama mia! You may be verging on the criminal here.:)
